Getting fancy with wines and pasta

Cheese plate and a taste!

Cheese plate and a taste!

Wine. You either love it or your hate it. Or you eventually learn to love it because honestly, wine buzzes are awesome!

Anyway, I don’t know much about wines. When trying to pick one out at a store, I usually go for the ones with the coolest labels (oh the shame!!). Well I decided to purchase a wine class on Living Social and turn that into a date night. I dragged the boyfriend with me since he expressed an interest in learning. I mean… I like to be able to pronounce them correctly at the very least right? The class was hosted at a cozy wine lounge called…Stoney’s Wine Lounge off of Skillman St. and Oram in East Dallas. I wouldn’t say it was the most structured or the most interesting, but I was able to pick up a few tips on how to pair my wines with my food. If you ever get the chance to, your meals can be significantly more enjoyable and delicious if you can pick the right wine.

The few basic tips I was able to remember:
Pair heavy wines with heavy foods (reds)
Pair light foods with light wines (whites)

Sauvignon blancs and pinot noirs are the best go to wines for foods.

Momo's Spaghetti

Momo’s Spaghetti

So basically what I got from that lesson was white goes well with seafood and reds are best with meats. I was too focused on drinking and combining the flavors with the cheeses, fruits, and crackers.

After the class, we were definitely in the mood for some pasta and wanted to get fancy with our newfound knowledge before it disappeared. Momo’s Pasta has some decent spaghetti. A bit pricey for what it is, but it did the job. Ordered a pinot noir to go along with my meaty marina pasta. Went home with a happy belly. *pat pat


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