This last week and a half, I haven’t been on my usual running schedule due to injuries and cramps and it just sucks! I feel like each passing day, I’m losing my endurance and falling behind and it’s just discouraging.
This Saturday, I wanted to take it easy since I have three football games in the upcoming week that I couldn’t afford to be hurt. Turns out, it was just me and my buddy/running coach/motivator out on Katy Trail on a dreary, cold and rainy day.
The words dreary, cold, and rainy and not to mention early are enough to make anyone skip out and sleep in. But not us!
The trail ……was for the most part empty, but luckily it stopped raining and we were able to clock in a few miles. It felt good to get back out there. I think it really counts when you make yourself go even when you don’t want to. Very proud of myself for 1) getting out of bed on a rainy Saturday and 2) running about 2.5 miles. Honestly, the dreary weather is perfect running weather. It’s not to hot and it’s cool enough once you start breaking a sweat.
Go go go!!!
Happy Running!