The weather has been dreadful recently. Cold and rainy and miserable. A polar vortex that most warm blooded Dallasites cannot handle. And having to resort to looking homeless just to keep warm because all my cute clothes are meant for warmer weather.
Anyway, the bright side to living in Dallas would be the random beautiful days we get in “winter” season. The weather was gorgeous to say the least and I couldn’t waste it. A run on Katy Trail was in order.
The best thing about having fit friends is that they motivate you to better yourself. When the weather permits, a group of us make it out on a Saturday morning to Katy Trail or Arbor Hills and clock in a few miles. I remember when I first started running last year, it was so intimidating to get into. It was only made easier with the support of friends and I am glad I am getting back into it. The running game is more mental than physical and my mantra is always “Just a little bit further” followed by “You get to eat after this. You get to eat after this”.
Week 1 of the running group was a success. I did a lot better than I expected and it was an amazing start to the weekend. Despite being sore from a hellacious leg day earlier in the week, I kept pushing myself and I am really proud. Can’t wait to make it out again next week. For my first run in over a month, my fastest pace was a little over 12 min/mile. Slow and steady. First comes consistency, then comes speed. Special thanks to Dave Mason for always being positive and pushing us to do better!