Circle Seven Five is such an intriguing group that has nailed down the power of inducing FOMO with all of their fun events. This beautiful group was founded by Cassidy Fischer. I had the pleasure of connecting with her last year and have admired her hustle from afar. She is truly an inspiration. Find out how she became a girl boss and what this community is all about.

Name: Cassidy Fischer
Company: Circle Seven Five
Short About Me: Give me a few details about yourself. Feel free to share whatever you’d like.
I’m a wife to Ford, a dog mom to Watson and Sherlock, and happy resident of Dallas with a love for community, networking, creativity, Jesus, and constant adventure. I started Circle Seven Five almost two years ago (June 18th is our birthday!) and its been a huge and exciting season of constant transition and growth in my life, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Tell me about Circle Seven Five? Circle Seven Five is the best way get more adventure, fun, and community into your life and ensure you always have some ‘happy’ on your calendar! CSF lets our members escape routine and create a life they love with over 15 events each month + awesome perks around town.
What made you decide to start CSF? It was really a need in my own life. I grew up in the DFW, moved away to NYC for four years and came back fresh out of college and was really missing the close knit community I was used to from school, and really all growing up, being surrounded by my peers and having structured and unstructured time to just build relationships. Being an adult meant work was the main focus and for the first time figuring out my social life wasn’t so easy and convenient. I wanted to connect with others, but as an introvert it was hard for me to put myself out there. So I created my own cocktail of what I would have wanted and now here we are almost two years later!
What are some of the events you’ve put on in the past? Any favorites? Since this time last year, we’ve done over 150 events. The activity and focus of each one is so different, so choosing a favorite is hard! — but just going off stuff from the past month – I’d have to say our Bachelorette watch party at Hotel Zaza and our #CSFspringfling picnic at The Dallas Arboretum were SO much fun! How awesome and welcoming the CSF girls are really makes almost any event a new favorite.
Our hearts are so full. Coming soon to the blog.? #CSFbirthdaybash // ? credit @beckleyco
A photo posted by Circle Seven Five (@circlesevenfive) on
Who is CSF for? CSF is for any millennial woman Dallas! Since we have so many events there is something for everyone from super chill girl’s nights in to rock climbing to DIY and fitness and everything in between! Whether you’re looking to get out and go do something fun (see ya, comfort zones!) once every few months, or a handful of times each month – we have a membership level that can work for your budget and schedule. The great thing is members use CSF to ‘host’ their own events – so its really in your control to make your membership what you want it to be and connect with the people you want to connect with. We handle everything, so you just get to show up and play hostess with the mostest.
It’s all about who you know these days, so it never hurts to have a network that’s always growing!
What’s one piece of advice you’d share to other entrepreneurs/small business owners?
Do your own original thing and keep your head down while you work and try not to compare (so so bad you guys – don’t do it!). Dream big, take initiative, and before you know it you’ll have more on your plate than you know what to do with. Take time for yourself. It won’t always be easy. It will be one of the hardest things you do, but one of the most rewarding. Doing something you’re passionate about is key. Just keep at it every day.
A photo posted by Circle Seven Five (@circlesevenfive) on
Some silly questions for fun:
Would you rather live one life that lasts 1,000 years or live 10 lives that last 100 years each?
Wow tough question. I think 10 lives that last 100 years each. I think it would be incredible perspective to get to walk different paths and gain so much understanding and thankfulness. You might actually know what it’s like to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. Hmm….
Would you rather never be able to speak again or always have to say everything that is on your mind?
Always have to say everything that is on my mind. For sure. I love words (you can quote me), and definitely need to communicate. Plus more transparency would probably be good for the world, I suppose. Ha!
Would you rather be able to speak fluently every language in the world or be the best in the world at something of your choosing?
Speak fluently every language in the world. I think if you could do that, there is a possibility you could end up being the best in the world at something of your choosing. Plus think about how easy it would be to travel (and get a job!)
To learn more about Circle Seven Five, visit them here or follow their adventures on Instagram.