Balloons, Broomball and Birthday Recap!

January 29th is my birthday (go Aquarians!) and I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday. It was in all respects, an incredible, memorable, perfect birthday. Turning 26 years-young was the best. It felt like a week long celebration surrounded by so many friends. I just feel so full of love!

Thursday, I walked into work only to find the best present ever in my cube!


I was just floored. I couldn’t believe my friends at work stayed late to blow up a million balloons, fill up my cube, set confetti booby traps and wrapped it into a perfect present. For kicks, they filmed me running it just to see what would happen. I’ll forever be a .gif now. Watch it here.




View from behind the balloons. Love being surrounded.


Hiiii. I never want to leave.

And the surprises that day kept coming… I’m just overwhelmed with the love…

Tres leches cake from Central Market. Oh my goodness, it was delicious!

Tres leches cake from Central Market. Oh my goodness, it was delicious!

Beautiful tulips from the boyfriend. Yay!

Beautiful tulips from the boyfriend. Yay!

This was just Thursday yall. And you want to know how I spent my night? Passed out at 9pm and clocked in a wonderful 10 hours of sleep. Whew. All the excitement tuckered me out. Haha

Friday night was my dinner date with Danny. He took me to the restaurant that has been on the top of my to-eat list for some time now: FT33 in the Design District. The food was incredible. Matt McCallister really takes food, taste and the experience to a whole other level here. We were blown away.


He feeds me. That’s all I need. <3



The only food photo I took at FT33. The chocolate, coconut, banana something something yummy nomness.

To explain the lack of food pics here, I decided to put away the phone, take a break from the blog, and really enjoy the moment. Guess you’ll just have to take my word (and everyone else’s frankly), that this place is amazing and you should go! The restaurant is lovely and romantic. I’m still salivating over the short rib and the pork shoulder we ordered. Take me back!

Delicious rum milkshake.

Delicious rum milkshake.

Dinner was followed by a few drinks of course, across the way at Meddlesome Moth. Some of my really good friends came to surprise me there and it was so fun!


Saturday was the day I’ve been looking forward to all month. I had planned a broomball event for all my friends complete with carbs and soda. Yes, that’s my idea of the perfect birthday party! If you’ve never played broomball, it’s basically ice hockey without the skates. There are no rules other than trying to whack a ball into a goal and there can be as many people on the ice as you want. What I really wanted to accomplish was to let people experience something new, have a ton of fun, and leave happy and full.

It was great to hear that the majority of my friends had never played before. Once everyone got the gist of how to play, the best part was seeing everyone’s face light up and it was like we were all kids again. Broomball levels the playing field and there is no difference in skill level, because everyone is falling on their ass.


Processed with Moldiv

Just wanted to send all my thanks to everyone who made it out and made this truly one of the best birthdays to date. And special thanks to my boyfriend who put everything together. I couldn’t have asked for more. Thank you!


  1. Pingback: Turning 27 and my 2015 Recap - Deep Fried Fit

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