Today, I want to share a special spotlight featuring my good friend Andrea from Loubies and Lulu. When I first started blogging, she was one of the first fitness bloggers I followed and admired from afar. Total celebrity status to me. HA. I mean… come on. She likes to lift weights and she sports the CUTEST workout clothes. So fashionably fit!
Eventually, we finally met up for a sweaty workout and coffee date and voila! Instant friends. Being one of my first blogger friends, she’s been a positive force that’s helped me out of my own shell and has been such a great support. Having a blogger bestie to bounce ideas off of and to ask some much needed fashion advice is everything! I hope through this interview, you’ll get to know her much better too!
Short About Me: I was born in Santa Fe, but grew up in Taos, New Mexico. My family still resides there and we visit often. Love spending time in the mountains! I went to Seattle University and University of New Mexico. I’ve been married 15 years to my high school sweetheart, Ryan and have two children, Marisa (13) and Andrew (4). I enjoy spending time with my family, exploring our city, learning about health/fitness/nutrition, and reading.
Are you certified in anything? Used to be a group fitness instructor (step!) in college, but haven’t taught since! I’m more into taking classes and writing about them these days. It’s amazing to see how the fitness scene has changed since then. There’s so much more variety in group fitness now, and I love it!
Why did you start your blog and how long have you been blogging? Started L&L in the fall of 2012. My daughter was in elementary school and my son had just turned a year old. I’ve always loved fitness and fashion, and wanted a hobby/creative outlet where I could express my thoughts and interests. Little did I know that it would evolve into so much more than that! I truly love blogging. I’ve learned a lot, overcome many insecurities through writing, and have made wonderful friends because of the blog. The blogging community in Dallas is incredible!
What is the most valuable piece of advice you’d like to offer to other bloggers who are looking to grow their blog? Don’t be afraid to get out there and meet other creatives/bloggers. It’s great to have like minded friends to encourage each other and bounce ideas off of.
What are your favorite types of workouts? A consistent weight training program transformed my body after having my second child! Because I’ve been so happy with the results and I can do it on my own schedule this is my favorite type of workout to do. But I also love to try new workouts. And I’ve always loved yoga, barre, Pilates, cycling, and running. These classes are a great compliment to my 4x/week weights/cardio training routine!
Where’s the best place to get a sweat in Dallas? So many to choose from…do I have to choose just one?? We are fortunate here in Dallas to have such an amazing selection. If I had to choose, it would be The Move Project! All of my training programs are created by them, (and my hubby is a co-founder!).
When you indulge, what do you crave? I occasionally treat myself to my favorite ice cream at Sweet Firefly in Richardson. Their Coffee Toffee and Sea Salt Caramel flavors are to die for! Get a scoop of each…best combo ever. Also love yummy Tex-Mex from time to time!
Current favorite song you like to workout to? Very strange, but unless I’m taking a class, I never listen to music/wear headphones when I work out!
What’s in your gym bag? Drybar Dry shampoo, neutrogena face wipes, Elta MD facial sunscreen SPF 46, lash curler and mascara, Vapour Organic Beauty foundation stick, cheek/lip color stick, and Lip Gloss, an extra active outfit, Vans leather sneakers, Fresh Citron de Vigne roller ball perfume, and an RX Bar!
Some silly questions for fun:
If you had to choose, would you rather workout without a sports bra or wear see through leggings when you bend over?
Tough choice but I’d choose the leggings and stay out of view when bending over, ha!
Would you rather workout without deodorant for a week or sweat puddles that leaked over and touched your neighbor?
I’d go without deodorant…seems less bad!
Would you rather eat the same meal for an entire year or not workout for an entire year?
Without a doubt, I’d eat the same meal for a year if given that choice! Working out makes me feel good, gives me energy, and relieves stress. I’d miss it too much!
Have something in your eye OR need to sneeze but never be able to, for a year? Need to sneeze.
Would you rather never have coffee again or live without your favorite dessert forever? Coffee. As much as I love dessert, I wouldn’t want to give up my coffee ritual every morning!
Thanks for featuring me in this series and for your kind words! Such fun questions
And, the admiration is mutual!! Your blog is fantastic, and I love how you share your passion for Dallas, fitness, and delicious food with all of us. It’s been great to get to know you better through our fun lunch dates, the DFA, and blogging adventures! xo
Two things that stuck out to me in this post:
1. No headphones when she works out? I WISH I could do that! lol. I will drive all the way back home to get them if I forget mine!
2. That dress at the very end is SO stinking cute!
Also, I’m totally with her on the weight training thing! That’s my favorite way to work out and it seems to have the best results!
Andrea is an inspiration and Im with you about the headphones. I can workout without them if I had a buddy, because then I’d be chatting. But if it’s a solo sesh… i need my jams.