Hey! Hi! Hello! I’m overdue for a catch up sweat date with you guys. Your girl has been busy and I’m just coming up for air after a crazy year of events, travel, and the holidays. If you’re new to my blog, a virtual sweat date is an opportunity for me to share more about my personal life. Thanksgiving week provided a much needed and gracious break back from traveling and I can’t wait to get back in the groove. Here’s what’s up:
If we were on a virtual sweat date, I’d tell you…
It is my blog’s anniversary and I’ve been writing since 2013. Wow. That’s 5 amazing years of writing, telling stories, incredible experiences, new friends, and the feeling that anything is possible if I put my mind and heart into it. It’s also 5 years of overcoming extreme challenges and finding the courage to go out on my own and blaze my own path. I remember taking advantage of the Thanksgiving holiday many years ago to start my blog and it’s hard to believe I’m still here writing to you.
If we were on a virtual sweat date, I’d tell you…
How grateful I am for YOU. Yes, you. Reading this. You, who decided to click on my link and take an interest in my life. Thank YOU. I appreciate every single one of you for supporting me through this incredible journey. Some of my favorite memories include meeting you at my events or reading your kind comments and messages. This would not be possible without you, and for that, I’m forever grateful.
If we were on a virtual sweat date, I’d tell you…
I spent two incredible weeks in Asia where I traveled to Hong Kong and Thailand. The experiences are unforgettable. I can’t wait to write the recaps of my trip and share some insight in case you’re looking to travel there in the future. I haven’t been on an international trip in so many years. The last one was Guatemala a few years ago, and I was overdue for a new adventure. I tasted some of the best foods, saw incredible city, mountain, and ocean views, and created the best memories with my friends.
If we were on a virtual sweat date, I’d tell you…
While I was in Thailand, I got news that my grandfather passed away. It was hard being half a world away knowing my family was heartbroken. I did my best to enjoy the rest of my trip. Coming back, there was a lot of anxiety knowing that I wasn’t coming home to a happy home. We had the service the weekend after Thanksgiving. It was Laotian style funeral and it was a beautiful service. Bittersweet being able to see all my relatives and cousins. This was also a fresh reminder that life is happening right now and I won’t waste a moment of it. It’s shifted my perspective of family, love and compassion.
If we were on a virtual sweat date, I’d tell you…
On a less somber note, I’ve been training for a 10K for the BMW Dallas Marathon that’s happening on Dec 8th and 9th. I’ve never considered myself a runner, but running is actually how my blog got started many years ago. Getting back into running feels uncomfortable and I’m excited for it! With traveling and being sick and everything that’s happen, I do feel behind in my running and training, but I want to go in with the intention of completing it and having fun! I want to fall in love with a new process of challenging myself all over again and this is the perfect opportunity to do that.
If we were on a virtual sweat date, I’d tell you…
Slow down. The holidays can be super stressful and busy and you’ll need to make time to take care of YOU. Because self care is so important around the holidays, I decided to host one event just for that. Join me for a wonderful Mindful Monday event on Dec 10th at the Omni. It’ll be a fun yoga + meditation event INDOORS followed by Vital Proteins beauty bar. Here’s the link to check it out.