This blog is sponsored by adidas. Photography by Maribel Morales.

I am celebrating the big 3-0 and I’ve never been so excited for a birthday. There’s something about 30 that can be scary for some people, but I’m walking into my 30s with so much to look forward to. There’s something to be said about feeling a stronger sense of identity, confidence, and purpose that makes me happy. Today, I’m partnering with adidas to write a love letter to myself.

Dear Me,
Wow. Where do I begin? You and I go way back and I just want to say how proud I am of you and how much I love you! You’ve grown up so much and I’ve seen leaps and bounds from the person you used to be. I love that you’re always searching for ways to better yourself and challenge yourself. My dear, you are mighty resilient and hella strong. You should be so proud of who you are today!

Remember when…
You thought you were going to be lawyer? Then a journalist? At one point, thought about majoring in business until STATS101 kicked your ass and that was a definite no. Who knew you were going to set off and start a blog that would change your life. Who knew you’d be able to discover your voice and use it to do positive things, not only for yourself, but for other people? That’s freaking awesome.

Remember when…
You straight up quit your job to pursue something you had no idea would work? You made the right decision, because it lead you to incredible opportunities, amazing new friendships, and the most accomplished you’ve ever felt. Starting and running a business is hard. You’ve had good days and bad days, and it’s forced you to grow the fxck up. FAST.

Remember when…
You had no idea how to do your eyebrows? Probably still don’t. What was that about? Why didn’t anyone tell you? UGH.

Remember when…
You used to hate your body? Well you don’t anymore. You’ve grown to love it – imperfections and all and that’s pretty amazing. I can feel the love you have for it and it’s changed how you approach life. I mean look at these adidas photos. I’m obsessed!

Remember when…
You got your heart broken? Over and over again? It’s ok. He was trash and you are way better off without him. Thank him for the lessons you learned about yourself and keep your head up. I’m so proud that you have chosen not to settle, because that would’ve been too easy. Remember, love comes in all forms – love from your friends, family, your career, and yourself. You are surrounded by so much love. That other love will come. P.S. You’re already winning.

Remember when…
You and your mom used to fight all the time? Now y’all hug and tell each other how much you love each other. So cute! Also…note to self: learn how to make her egg roll recipe. Basically, just learn how to cook okay?!

Remember when…
You were a such a b*tch? LOL You seriously had no filter growing up. Thank goodness for the friends who saw you were harmless (or…er.. entertaining) and kept you around. I’m so glad you calmed that hot temper of yours and learned compassion and a bit more patience. You’ve become a much better friend with a bigger heart than you even realize. I’d want you in my corner any day.

Remember when…
Things were so so so hard a few years ago? You were on the brink of breaking apart, but you decided to bend instead? You went to therapy to work on yourself and came out stronger than ever. Do you remember that blog post you wrote about going to therapy? And the notes from friends and strangers that decided to seek help after reading? To this day, those were the most meaningful messages you’ve ever gotten. Be proud that you were able to help at least one person. Makes my heart so happy you were able to reveal such a vulnerable part of yourself.

Remember when…
You went out that one night with your friends on MLK Day and came home and passed out with a stick of butter in your hand? Yea me either.

Remember when…
The friends you thought were friends were definitely not friends? It’s ok. They weren’t meant to stay in your life. It took a little while, but you actually have some pretty bad ass people in your life right now. They bring out the best in you, support you no matter what, and want the best for you. That’s pretty rad.

Remember when…
You decided to pursue happiness over money? You decided to pursue what made YOU happy instead of what made everyone else happy. It was a random day in high school when that light bulb went off. It was probably the single most important decision you ever made for yourself that has lead you here. Happiness became your compass and I’m excited to see where else it takes you.

Just so you know…
You are exactly where you need to be. You are doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing. And most importantly, you are doing bad ass things and having fun. Don’t stop! Get it! Get it!
Thank you adidas for letting me strut into my 30th birthday in style! My personality is loud and colorful and I loved rocking this outfit and tapping into my inner baddie. I’ll link to the adidas SST jacket, leggings, sports bra and adidas ULTRABOOSTS shoes for you. Thank you for reading this silly fun love letter to myself. Here’s to the best in my 30s.