Today, I’m partnering with adidas to talk about how I’m making an effort to be more conscious of my plastic waste. Much like fitness, choosing to be more conscious of waste is a daily decision and practice. The adidas partnership with Parlay is by far one of my favorite campaigns to watch grow over the years. I loved the message, the mission, and how they’re spinning a problem into a solution while weaving in fitness and lifestyle. You can learn more about it here.

I’ll admit, for a long time I was one of those people that thought the waste problem was so far away from really affecting me. That someone else will take care of it. I was also one of those people that thought…what is the point of me saving this or that… it’s not like what I do will matter. How can I really help move the needle? I cringe thinking those used to be my thoughts. What an awful mindset.

So what’s changed? A big part of it has to do with having friends that work in sustainability and have exhibited practices that are do-able. I became interested, wanted to be educated on the issues at hand, and realized that what I do does matter. I’ll compare this to running a marathon and walking every day. I may not be able to completely eliminate plastic out of my daily life by going on a drastic cleanse (marathon), but I can choose to make better decisions daily (walking).
Here’s how I plan on decreasing my plastic waste:
Switch to re-useable water bottles

As an influencer, I get so much swag from events. My least favorite item to receive are the crappy plastic water bottles that make everything taste bad (water, smoothies, etc). I use an insulated water bottle that keep my water ice cold and is also sturdy for travel, hiking, and any outdoor activities. My household stopped buying the packages of plastic water bottles. We used to go through so many cases of water. It was the simplest way for us to cut down on plastic waste.
Re-useable shopping bags and produce bags

I’ve seen the numerous plastic grocery bags pile up on my home. I’d use them as trash bags for my bathroom and such, but I knew all it was delaying when that bag would go to the landfill. I’m getting in the habit of just keeping reusable bags in my car. I also try to avoid using the plastic bags for produce. There are also produce bags you can use as well. I’ve also gotten into the habit of just carrying small things out without putting them in bags.
Using more glassware

I’m slowly switching out my plastic Tupperware to glass. I find that I’m more likely to eat my meals when it’s packaged nicely in the glass containers versus the flimsy plastic ones. Plus, I hate washing oily or greasy plastic ware anyway and find that I usually throw them away.
Carry utensils

I was gifted travel bamboo utensils that I carry with me everywhere. So when I’m eating my meals or out to eat, I can opt out of the plastic wear. I carry them in my backpack and they’re pretty handy.
Less straws

This one… I feel that I can’t win. I try to ask for drinks without straws before the server even brings me water. I also know people are afraid to drink from the cup itself, this is where the water bottle comes in handy.
Support the right companies

Buy from companies that are making a difference. adidas and Parlay have found a way to create performance sportswear and shoes from the very same plastic that’s littering out ocean. I’ve been eyeing these adidas Parlay Ultraboosts for foreverrrr and they also have other items you can shop. Their goal is to decrease the introduction of new or virgin plastic into the world. If you think about, every single piece of plastic ever created, is still in existence today.

All in all, it’s not perfect. I’m not perfect. There are going to be times when I am going to use plastic and there are opportunities to opt out of using it. It just takes making those conscious little decisions when you can. Will you join in me in making those conscious efforts?
Adidas outfit details: Tunic// Bra// Leggings// Ultraboosts.
This content and partnership is sponsored by adidas. All opinions are my own. Photos by Maribel Morales.