Virtual Sweat Date

Hey guys! Thanks for joining me on this virtual sweat date. You’re probably wondering “what the fudge is that?” A lot of bloggers catch up with their friends and readers through”virtual coffee dates” where they just share thoughts and what’s going on with them like they would if you were on a real coffee date. I thought this would a cute idea that gives me a chance to get a little more personal. Of course, if we were hanging out, it would totally be on a sweat date instead. Duh.

If we were on a sweat date, I’d tell you…

…how excited I am to be working with Harwood  on a series of blogs around town. They let me come up with some really fun ideas and it totally got my creative juices flowing. You can see the first post here! I’m totally obsessed with this fuchsia top I scored as a bday gift from my friends at Athleta Stonebriar.

…I’m excited for the changes that are coming to my blog. I used to hear that niche blogs were the way to go and that’s when I used to only write reviews about restaurants and studios. I’ve been craving much more freedom with my blog and can’t wait to see what I come up with. Did you catch this football workout I shared last week? I’m really proud of it.

…If we were on a virtual sweat date, I’d also tell you how great of an Instagram husband my boyfriend has been and I don’t give him enough credit. He makes time to shoot all my photos, deals with my pickiness (aka bossiness), and is such a good sport. Definitely a learning experience being our own creative team.

…If we were on a virtual sweat date, I’d tell you I ate a whole pizza by myself earlier and had no regratttttssss.

…It’s been 6 months since I quit my job and went full time with my blog. I can’t believe how fast time flew by. It’s been amazing so far and definitely scary. I do have days where I wake up and think to myself, “Oh my god… I’m unemployed. What have I done?!”

…If we were on a sweat date, I’d tell you January was a great month. I celebrated my 28th birthday and it was amazing. January was also a super stressful month with taxes, healthcare, and laptop issues. Glad I got through them. I definitely took a few days to sleep it off all that pent up anxiety.

Lastly, if were on a virtual sweat date, I’d ask you what is your favorite work out? Did you set any goals for yourself this year? And if you watch The Bachelor because it’s been my recent guilty pleasure.

Thanks for for the virtual sweat, happy endorphins and the chat. Let’s catch up again soon.

Activewear Details: Top & Bottoms | Shoes | Fitness Tracker/Watch



    1. Author

      You are so sweet. Thank you!!! I wish we could all quit our jobs, blog full time from coffee shops, and workout all day. thats the dream!

  1. Pingback: Virtual Sweat Date: New adventures, toxic situations, and exciting news! - Deep Fried Fit

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